Sunday, September 4, 2011

Gratitude Sunday!

It's been a while, again. I know, I know. More excuses? Well, just a little one. We didn't have power in this neck of the woods last Sunday. I know there are plenty of people out there who got the brunt of Irene, and still don't have power. Amazingly, here in the Tidewater, we fared pretty well, though.

On to the post!

It has been an absolutely phenomenal few weeks for me, hurricane aside, so here we go...

I am grateful for...:

-Getting through Irene safe and sound. Even the poor rooster, who was stuck outside through it all, came through it beautifully, and has been "pimpin' it" down the road with the neighbor's hens.

-Having the grace to make it through a rather insane weekend at work through the storm. I wasn't sure I could keep my cool, but I did, and I even managed to have some fun in the process!

-My wonderful, supportive parents, who have been even moreso these past few weeks, though I'm sure I haven't been the calmest person ever.

-Meeting someone I could (and do) spend hours talking to, and still think of more to say. It's been a long while on that one, and it is so very, very refreshing and good for the soul.

With that, dear folks, I am heading to bed. So much work to do tomorrow!

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