Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Gratitude post

I figured that today, I would join Taryn from Wooly Moss Roots in a gratitude post. I've been wanting to do this for a few weeks now, but have always seemed to get distracted, so here goes:

-My mother giving me her copy of Country Women: A Handbook for the New Farmer to read. This was published in the 70s by a group of farming feminists. Mom told me as she handed it over that she'd read it cover to cover and it really touched her. I can see why. Not only is there a ton of information on many subjects (the section on wells, and the one on outhouses I find particularly interesting), but the journal entries scattered throughout have really gotten to me. They put into words how I've been feeling more often than not lately, and it's good to know others have gotten through this transition from submissive girl to independent woman.

-The sheep that provided the beautiful wool I just finished spinning last week. It was a variegated Rambouillet fleece I purchased a few years ago. It spun up like an absolutely dream, and knits up even better.

-Finally getting some recognition at work from my "big boss" for all the work I do. It was nice to hear it had been noticed, and I'm flattered they seem to be "grooming" me, even if the job itself is entirely against my nature and not something I want to do for much longer.

-Coming home from said job and going out to check the herbs, roses, veggies and berries. What a lovely way to reconnect to the land after all the hustle and bustle of "civilization."

-Finding old friends online and discovering that our relationships are as strong as ever. Also, for friends I have lost over the years, whose memories still bring me so much love and joy.

-Seeing my best friend relaxed and happy.

And finally, for all the fathers in my life. None of you are perfect, but you are all wonderful and much appreciated!

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