Sunday, May 1, 2011

I'm going to have to work up some sort of posting schedule, I think. I have a work schedule, a rose schedule, a sleep schedule, why not a blogging schedule?

Anyway, no pictures just yet because the light was already gone when I got home from work. I do have to report on some quilting, however.

I started Think Big from the February issue of APQ in February. I went all out - I took my "birthday money" and my mother to JoAnn's and went crazy. I gave myself one rule - there are no rules. I knew what colors I wanted, but beyond that, it was a case of "if you like it, buy it." I don't get to do that very often, but since it's such a fat quarter friendly quilt, I went hog wild.

I decided to do my backgrounds in neutrals and tans, instead of blacks. Black is a little too stark for me, and I wanted something to remind me of a lovely summer when I finish. I got a few of the backgrounds that day, then visited my local quilt shop, Field's, for the rest. I even managed to grab the last yard and a half of one of my favorite backgrounds ever. Yay me!

I've been working fairly steadily on the blocks, and to date, I have 4 1/2 hand appliqued. I absolutely love hand applique. I suppose it's because the first "real quilt" I did was a teeny tiny Kim Diehl with an appliqued border. It goes along with my love of handquilting. There's something soothing about all of those tiny stitches.

In other news, our late neighbor's wife has told the real estate sharks that she won't be selling the property. This makes all of us on Hummingbird Lane very, very happy. She's definitely a character, that one. She told me with somewhat tearful, faint amusement at her husband's memorial that she'd have to get food from our gardens now, and I told her I'd take extra care with the oregano she gave me a week before the tornado. It's fierce and hardy like she is.

We're also taking care of her rooster, though no one can seem to locate her hens. I'm afraid they've all wandered off into the woods by now. The rooster, however, is doing smashingly. He struts around our little neighborhood like he owns it, and I suppose he rather does, the gorgeous thing that he is. He's been faring well on bugs the past two weeks, but I'm planning on getting him some feed tomorrow, so I can add that to the routine. (We already put out water for him, and I discovered today that boy, does that rooster know which water bowl is his or what? He followed me today and got a bit huffy when I wasn't fast enough!)

Well, that's all for now, and since I've really rambled on this time, I think that's enough. Happy May Day, all!

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