Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gratitude Sunday!

(Yep, that's yours truly)

Time for another gratitude post. I love writing these almost as much as I love reading them!

This week, I am grateful for...

-The chance to see some very dear friends tomorrow. We see them every few weeks, but that's just not enough. I think of them as older siblings, and they've been there for our family through some really crazy times. Love you, hippies!

-Finding out yesterday that I am not, as I previously thought, the only pagan at work. I have absolutely nothing against other faiths (in fact, I embrace them all), but sometimes, it does get a little lonely around the workplace.

-My new tea, Fidnemed Nighttime tea, from Mountain Rose Herbs. I've had it for two weeks now, and while I only use it on weekends (because that's when I work part time), it has so far passed with flying colors. It's gentle, but when you fall asleep, you really fall asleep!

-My pumpkins are finally getting their color, and my Musquee de Provence pumpkins are finally producing female blossoms. Also, we seem to have stopped losing the plants to the heat and lack of water, yay!

-The lovely orange I got from dyeing some wool with coreopsis flowers. I had seen some photos, and I realized that I had some of the flowers in my haphazardly planted "just flowers" bed. I plan on planting an entire bed of them next year!

-Also, I have to mention that I am so grateful that my mother has taken it upon herself to water my rose bushes if I happen to be at work when they need it. She really doesn't like roses, and I promised her she wouldn't even have to touch my bushes, but she's done it of her own will, and that makes me smile.

That's it for now. I'm off to knit my delicious shawl and cut out pattern pieces!


  1. I adore this picture! But you already know that. Have you lost weight? You look amazing. I couldn't see the full sized photo on Facebook.

    I really should try some of that tea. I've been having sleeping issues lately. I've become so desperate as to begin taking Ambien. It works well for me, but I don't enjoy taking prescriptions if I know there's something more simple and less chemical that could do the trick.

    Also, I will mail that safflower to you, I promise. To be completely honest- I've been so busy lately that its just slipped my mind. Guilty as charged!

  2. Actually, I was about the same weight when that was taken as I was the last time we saw each other. I have *no* idea why it turned out to be such a good picture, but I'm not questioning it. ~_^

    You should *really* give the tea a try. It doesn't even taste half bad with a spoon of honey or sugar. My only problem is, well, you drink a cup before bed, nature's gonna call.... but I'm always half asleep when I stumble down the stairs hehehe
