Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rainy days

After a slightly worrisome dry spell, it seems we've hit April weather. It's June, of course, but then, this whole year has been a bit odd so far in regard to the weather.

I was fairly much up until dawn, and I woke up a few hours ago to a dreary, overcast day that still hasn't gotten above 70 degrees. It had stopped raining by the time I woke up, but these clouds don't seem to be going anywhere soon. That, of course, put a damper on my chore list, because there was no way I was going to weed eat or pull out a truckload of vinca (seriously, why do people even bother with planting vinca? It takes over!) while it's this wet. That left me with indoor chores and planting.

I love chilly, dreary days - they do something to my soul, they bring on such a state of quiet grace. I decided to go out and plant the seed starts I've had plugging along since March, and it was a great idea. As with most things, I tend to go through alternating periods of competency in gardening. Sometimes, I think I must be some kind of genius, and others, I look at plants and they die. I'm apparently in one of the upswings, because I spent a good hour out in my little corner reserved for all plants that make me smile. I weeded, and they didn't fight me. That was more than likely the fault of the muddy ground, but we'll just pretend they were bowing out before my lovely, dirty hands, yes? Once I had everything spic and span, the plants just seemed to know where they wanted to be planted. Foxglove along one border of the bed, delphiniums along the other. The calendula settled in sweetly in front of the garlic and rosemary, beside the bee balm and one lone coneflower. The lavender is making friends with the carefully restrained oregano and calendula.

I think, once I've had a cup of coffee, I'll head back out to stake up the rosemary before it gets entirely out of hand.

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