Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gratitude Sunday!

I've been a busy little bee lately, but tonight, it finally hit me. I'm exhausted! I thought I'd sit and knit, but I got restless, as I tend to do when I'm tired (which really doesn't help things), so I figured I would post.

-Managing to get my little Christmas/Yule tree up the night before Thanksgiving. I'll take pictures when I have the energy. I decided to tone down the gaudiness this year, because while I do love glitz, I'm just at a different place in my life this year. I had SO much fun painting pinecones for decorations, though!

- Having a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family. That includes "the hippies" and D-rock. We had a ton of delicious food, more laughter, and even more enjoyment of the company.

-I made it through the Black Friday weekend in retail unscathed. I am super grateful that none of our customers were too crazy.

-Knowing that the only thing I have to do now to finalize plans for my trip to Oregon is buy tickets on Friday. I cannot wait to see my brothers and my wonderful best friend and her lady. It is so needed!

-My mother finally agreeing to help me dread my hair tomorrow. I've been threatening to for years. She's been crying "No!" for years. I am finally going to do it, and she is at least willing to help me out now, and that's great. I plan on keeping them, and there's no one else whose energy I want more surrounding this step in my life.

At the moment, however, I'm grateful for being able to sit on my bed, knit, and watch a show before I fall into the sweet bliss of my bed!!!

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