Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gratitude Sunday!

I've been a busy little bee lately, but tonight, it finally hit me. I'm exhausted! I thought I'd sit and knit, but I got restless, as I tend to do when I'm tired (which really doesn't help things), so I figured I would post.

-Managing to get my little Christmas/Yule tree up the night before Thanksgiving. I'll take pictures when I have the energy. I decided to tone down the gaudiness this year, because while I do love glitz, I'm just at a different place in my life this year. I had SO much fun painting pinecones for decorations, though!

- Having a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family. That includes "the hippies" and D-rock. We had a ton of delicious food, more laughter, and even more enjoyment of the company.

-I made it through the Black Friday weekend in retail unscathed. I am super grateful that none of our customers were too crazy.

-Knowing that the only thing I have to do now to finalize plans for my trip to Oregon is buy tickets on Friday. I cannot wait to see my brothers and my wonderful best friend and her lady. It is so needed!

-My mother finally agreeing to help me dread my hair tomorrow. I've been threatening to for years. She's been crying "No!" for years. I am finally going to do it, and she is at least willing to help me out now, and that's great. I plan on keeping them, and there's no one else whose energy I want more surrounding this step in my life.

At the moment, however, I'm grateful for being able to sit on my bed, knit, and watch a show before I fall into the sweet bliss of my bed!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Long time, no see!

It has been a long two months. A lot has happened, and at the same time, a lot hasn't. I've been slowly finding my way back over the past few days, sorting my way through the maze, so to speak.

I went out for a walk the other day, sat down and just had a nice, long talk with Mother Earth. She reminded me of a lot of things I had let myself be distracted from, and reassured me that I really am okay.

Among those things that I'd let slip into the background are some very dear friends. I've been doing my best to reconnect with all of them in my own way, and it's wonderful. I can't imagine, sometimes, why they put up with me, but they do.

Most excitingly, however, is that I finally decided that enough is enough, and I'm planning a trip! In the winter, of course, so I'll have the time to go and thoroughly relax and enjoy.

You see, I have three very close friends who all live in the same state. One is one of my best friends in this world, and the other two have been big brothers to me since we met 14 years ago. See, the thing is, with the boys, we have never actually met face to face. That in no way lessens how close we are, but it really is a shame. I plan on fixing that in January. I really can't wait, though I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop hugging them.