Monday, July 2, 2012

Gratitude Sunday, late edition

This is a late edition of Gratitude Sunday because, well, we just got power back this afternoon. It was a long, hot, miserable, cranky weekend on many fronts, due to the storms that ripped through this part of the world on Friday and Saturday. We're back up and running, though, and everyone is safe, sound and in a better mood, here on the Lane, at least.

On to the post!

-Mom's wonderful forethought. She rigged up solar spot lights years upon years ago and made sconces for them, so whenever we lose power, we don't lose all light. There's something... satisfying, I suppose, to the ritual of taking them down in the morning and setting them out on the well house cover to gather sunlight during the day and bringing them in at night. We also have a closet full of grey water and drinking water *always* on hand, as we lose power frequently in the summer.

-I never thought I'd say it, but I'm thankful for once that I had a big box retail job with long hours to go to this weekend - it meant that I had something to do that wasn't worrying, and I could do it in a cool, well lit building with running water. Washing ones hands in running water really is a luxury!

-My coreopsis bed is doing amazingly, and while these past few days, it's just been too hot to go harvest *every* evening, I have two sandwich bags stuffed full of flowers that are in the freezer until the bloom is done. Then, I'll dye wool in the most delicious pumpkin orange.

-Most of all, however, I am grateful for wonderful friends. B might be in the hospital, and K is stressed and run down beyond belief, but they had us go over last night to sit in the air conditioning, watch the news, take much needed showers and chit chat until it was time to head home. The invitation to just spend the nights until we got power back was extended, and while we won't need to now, we're all very touched!